Saturday, February 23, 2013

Generation One Chapter One: Once Upon A Time

My name is Charlotte. Charlotte King, but I prefer to be called Charlie. At least, that's what everyone's been calling me since I can remember. I guess you could say I'm a tomboy. I've never really been the girly girl type. I've always loved sports and wouldn't be caught dead wearing a dress. So, yes. I'm the tomboyish type. 

I grew up in the beautiful Aurora Skies, but didn't exactly have a beautiful upbringing. I have no idea who my parents are or what happened to them. All I know is one moment I had a happy family, and the next I was put in the system. At least I like to think I had a happy family at one point.

I've never had someone to call "mom" or "dad". I've never had my own bedroom or my own toys. I've never had my own bike or even my own home to call mine. I was constantly bounced around and eventually learned to get used to it. I realized after a while not to get comfortable or make relationships in my foster homes. Each time I did, it ended the same way. I would grow attached, and they would move me to a new home without a second thought. I would get hopeful, and they would send me back. I learned to not trust anyone and that I was better off fending for myself. 

So, now, as I walk here in the snow, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do with my life. I can start fresh. I can start all over, but my past is preventing me from doing so. I'll admit it, I'm scared. Sure, I can try and forget about everything that has ever happened to me, but there are scars that will always be there to remind me. 

All I have are the clothes on my back. I don't have anything. I don't have money, a home, family, friends, nothing. What do they expect me to do? I can't afford to go to college to become successful. I couldn't even afford to call a taxi to take me to wherever I'm headed. I've been trudging down the snowy sidewalk for the past five hours trying to think of a plan. It's nearly eleven and I have no where to stay for the night. They could have at least given me some notice before throwing me out on the street. So, I'm eighteen now. That doesn't mean I've magically become an adult over night.

Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday to me
Happy Birthday dear Charlie
Happy Birthday to me

Some birthday this turned out to be. I rubbed my hands together, desperate for some warmth. I continued to walk down the sidewalk when the blinding, yellow, headlights of a car appeared at the end of the snow covered street. I watched as the car got closer and closer until the window of the driver's seat opened. 

"Do you need a ride?" The driver asked. He was a young man in his early twenties with light blond hair and beautiful, green eyes. The glow from the streetlights made his eyes glimmer and shine. His smile was so caring and gentle that he could surely charm anyone.  He had certainly charmed me in the past few seconds. 

"Er, um. No, that's ok, but thanks. I don't really have anyplace in particular that I'm going." I explained with a shrug. I looked back down at me feet and began my travel down the sidewalk again, expecting him to accept my answer and drive off into the night.

"Neither am I." He answered. I stopped once more and met his eyes again. 

"Huh?' I replied, puzzled.

"You said you weren't going anyplace in particular. Well, neither am I. I plan on driving until I find somewhere that pleases me." He explained. His spontaneity amused me. Here was this young, attractive man, well boy in my opinion, offering me a free ride, and I was declining. One part of me said to get into the car. Another, probably rational, side of me warned that he could be a serial killer. 

YOLO. I crossed to the other side of the car and got inside. As I buckled myself in, I could feel his eyes staring at me. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, and slightly regretting my cursory decision, I began to undo my braids. The snow had began to make my hair wet. Plus, I played with my hair whenever I got nervous. He put his foot on the gas and we began our journey to wherever we may be going. After about two minutes, I think he realized the awkwardness beginning to set in, so he broke the silence. 

"My name's Luke Wright." He stated. 

"Charlie." I muttered in reply.

"Charlie? Is that short for something?" He questioned.


"Mmm." He responded. "So, what made you journey down the sidewalk at 11pm, huh? There has to be some reason." He asked.

"None of your business." I suddenly got a bit defensive. I guess I wasn't used to people caring.


"Well, Mr.Blondie, what about you then? Why are you driving around picking up random strangers?" I asked genuinely interested.

"None of your business." He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and stared out the windshield. About ten minutes later he spoke again.

"What about Bridgeport? It's about another two hours away, but I heard it's beautiful. The gleaming city lighting up the night sky. What do you say? We could find a small hotel to spend the night and figure out what we'll do in the morning." He suggested. 

"Sounds good to me." 

I stayed awake for another half hour, but sleep eventually got the best of me. I dozed off  and snuggled into the passenger seat. It wasn't the most comfortable, but I really couldn't complain. At least I was warm. I dreamt of my childhood which made me toss and turn. I dreamt of the family that almost adopted me. I relived every bit of pain I went through when they declined at the last moment. I was so close... I had been so close to having a family...

~2 months later~

"Luke! Get out of the shower! I'm going to be late for work!!!" I banged on the bathroom door. He just pretended like he didn't hear me and went on singing.


"LUKE!!!" I banged harder. No answer. 

"That's it." I said to myself. I went back into my room and got a bobby pin. I walked back to the bathroom and began to pick the lock. His rendition of Party Rockin' was going to come to a close. I heard a faint "click" and the door swung open. I rushed over to the toilet and flushed it. Within seconds I heard him react. 

"CHARLIE!!!" He shouted. His head popped out from behind the curtain. "What was that for?!" His face was red.

Trying not to giggle I explained I was late for work. 

"I'll be out in two minutes. Geez, you could have said something. You'd think a guy could get five minutes of alone time." He complained.

"Oh, shut up." I teased.

Ten minutes later I had showered, dressed, and was sitting at the kitchen table scarfing down a bowl of cereal. Luke was searching through the fridge for something that could pass as breakfast. 

"Do we have any-" He started.

"No." I cut him off. "Just like we didn't two minutes ago. You need to go grocery shopping." 

He scratched his head and closed the fridge door. "When's your next pay check due?" He asked.

"At the end of the week." I sighed. He ran his fingers through his thick, blond hair, a sure sign he was as stressed about money as I was.

"Do you think we'll make ends meet?" He questioned.

"I think we'll be fine. I hope so. I mean, we did make this arrangement knowing both of us would have to put in the effort and time." I responded. Two months ago we arrived in Bridgeport and stayed at a small, dingy hotel. The following morning we had no idea what to do or where to go, so we stopped at a small diner across the city. We talked, while we ate our cheeseburgers and fries, and he told me his life story. He grew up in a pretty well off family, no siblings, the son of a well-respected veteran father and successful businesswoman mother. He never had a worry in the world. Went to the most prestigious schools, had the best quality clothing, all the newest toys and gadgets, but he didn't care. That meant nothing to him. When he told his parents he wanted to become a school teacher, they were appalled. They expected him to go into the military like his father. It was a family tradition. They gave him an ultimatum: Enter the military, or they would cut off all further connection and his inheritance. He refused the military. The night he found me on the road was the night he packed his bags, jumped into his car, and left. 

After he finished his story, I told him mine. Not all of it of course. I just felt that I was obligated to fill him in on my basic story as he so selflessly did with his. I explained that I never knew my parents, grew up in foster care, and was just released. Literally, the night before. He seemed shocked, but accepting. The whole time I talked, he made eye contact and was genuinely listening. No one had ever done that before...

Anyway, we came to the conclusion that neither one of us would make it on our own. We made an agreement to get an apartment together and split the rent. When we were both financially stable and able to stand on our own two feet, we would go our separate ways. So, here we are, two months later, still struggling to pay the bills.

"Charlie, we really need to figure out how we're going to make this month's rent." Luke said with concern while sitting in the living room. I rushed over to the sink and rinsed out my bowl.

 "I need to be at the bookstore in 10 minutes. It takes me about 15 minutes to walk there. Unless you want to worry about me losing my job, then I suggest we discuss this when I get back." I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door.

As I was walking down the street, I got an idea. I had discovered a hidden talent of mine in high school that won me many awards. With that talent, could come extra cash. We would just need to spend some first to get some...

I really hope you guys enjoyed chapter one of Happily Ever After :D I worked so hard on this post and am really happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to post chapter 2! Please let me know what you think :) Your feedback is greatly appreciated! :D


  1. Great chapter Chloe, I really liked how Charlie has someone to rely on now considering her lonesome past... :(

    I really liked the way you set out this chapter and your pictures are AMAZING!

    Great intro/Chapter :0

  2. Thank you! :D Yes, Luke is going to prove he's some great company ;)

    :D I'm glad you think so! My screenshots are the one thing I'm not too sure about, but I've been trying to get better at taking them, so I'm really glad that someone is noticing :)

    Thanks again for reading and commenting! :D

  3. I really liked the beginning it was great! :D I can't wait to read some more! Also your pictures are AMAZING

    1. Thank you! :D I can't wait to post more!

      Thanks, that means a lot to me :)

  4. L.O.V.E! LOVED IT
    WOW, i love the photos and charlie is plan adorable
    NAWWW, this story as imspired me to go back and write a legacy :D, so thx u for reminding me how fun they can be <3

    1. YAY!! I'm so glad you do :D

      Thank you so much! ^_^ I spent three hours making her >.<

      OMG, your comment made my day :D I'm so glad I inspired someone :)

      Thanks again :D

  5. This was GREAT!
    I love the way that you wrote it up, very fluent.
    Blondie- *_* yummy.

    That Sim of yours is so darn cute! She is perfect!

    Just for how much I loved that chapter I am going to let you off for that "YOLO" Of yours... But just this once!

    Great post... Wait this is becoming repetitive... Well I shall finish


  6. Thank you so much! :D
    >.< yes, Luke is yummy

    Aw, thank you! :) That means a lot. I spent so long making her ^_^

    >.< I put that in there to be funny, not planning on keeping it there when it was published, but I forgot about it >.<

    Thanks again! :D

  7. I LOVE THIS!!!
    I love the character Charlie, her back story seems like it's going to be interesting, and provides lots of opportunity for flashbacks.
    Poor girl just having to leave like that :/
    She is so pretty, her children and going to be gorgeous!
    The pictures in the snow are also pretty, your writing and pictures are great!
    Luke...cough Blake cough...
    I laughed so hard at the YOLO part >.<
    You kill me Christine!
    I look forward to finding out about her hidden talent (cause I totally don't know...rightttttt)

    Love you!


    1. YAY!!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT ^_^

      I really hope you like what I have planned :D

      Thank you ^_^

      That means a lot, Cara :) Especially coming from you :)

      >.< I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO IT >.<

      That was an accident, leaving that in there >.<

      WHOOOOP! >.<

      :D Yep, I, like, never tell you ANYTHING >.< ;)

      LOVE YOU, TOO!! :D
